• by deltav
  • · September 16, 2013

First off, our hearts go out to everyone affected by the flooding here in Colorado.  While we were not directly impacted, Summit has joined others and donated to Colorado Flood Relief by purchasing t-shirts to show our support for those who were.

You can donate here via Paypal www.coloradofloodrelief.com


Remember, during times of heavy rain, it is important to make sure you have turned off your lawn sprinklers.  Most of the newer models of timers/clocks we install have a rain sensor, however a press of the rain delay button or manual shut off will also work too.  Mother Nature has given us more water then can be dealt with, and there isn’t any reason to continue watering and waste resources until things have a chance to dry out.

Last thing.  If you are one of our Lawn Maintenance and Mowing clients, please know we are on a rain delay schedule.  We are still working on mowing from last week in order to get caught up.  So sit tight, and we will be out as soon as we can.  If it is too wet, we can’t mow with the risk of tearing up the grass.

Thanks for understanding!