Nitty Gritty Blog

Happy Valentines Day

  Happy Friday and Valentines Day! We are headed to The Gardens on Spring Creek this weekend to teach some classes on building raised beds, and retaining walls. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend with your loved ones. In the meantime I’ll leave you with this delightful treat. Click on the picture and it […]

Winter Wonderland

Seasons Greetings! Winter is most definitely upon us here at Summit. It is a wonderland full of birds making nests, chickens laying tons of eggs, and the kid’s popcorn and cranberry garlands decorating the front porch. We had a brief warm spell there for a few, but I think we are all more than ready to

Small Business Saturday

Thank you to all of our Clients for your support. We wouldn’t be able to celebrate Small Business Saturday without you.

Fall, Fireplaces, and Food

Fall is upon us in a big way here in Colorado. The leaves have turned the town bright red and gold. We are busy not only cleaning leaves up at our maintenance accounts, but collecting them for a leaf jump party. We are headed to one this weekend to carve pumpkins, drink hot cider, and


Let’s talk about aeration! Not the world’s most engaging subject, but it really can do wonders for your yard. Technically speaking, by aerating your lawn you are supplying the soil with air by poking thousands of holes into the ground. This is typically done with an aerator machine. (We love our Ryan aerator. It does

New composite deck board inserts

Where We Are Wednesday takes us to one of the many lakes here in town. The lake is definitely a bit more full than it was back before the storm. The homeowners wanted to spruce up the all of the front beds and add some new plants and rock to match the beautiful plants they were

Colorado Floods

First off, our hearts go out to everyone affected by the flooding here in Colorado.  While we were not directly impacted, Summit has joined others and donated to Colorado Flood Relief by purchasing t-shirts to show our support for those who were. You can donate here via Paypal Remember, during times of heavy rain,

Gardens on Spring Creek

It’s been a busy week. Let’s try for Where We Are Thursday??? Waldo (aka. Dave) and Brett are working at the Gardens on Spring Creek today. If you or your kids haven’t been to the Gardens you really should. It is like a small oasis in the middle of town. Today India and I grabbed Gatorade


Cedar raised beds and a matching sandbox

Where We Are At Wednesday continues this week with work continuing at a neighbor’s house for their Family Reunion. It sure is really nice to have the guys working so close to home. Pretty sure they are getting spoiled in the process. They can pop in and out for snacks or breaks, and even not

Where we are Wednesday

Where We Are At Wednesday

This week we are a bit closer to home. Our clients are having a family reunion in a couple of weeks, and we are helping them to get ready to entertain all of their family and friends. It turns out they first hired a contractor who finished about a 1/4 of the job and took


In order to keep some order around here, I thought up a brilliant plan. A Schedule! We live and die by our work schedule, so why not try it here on the ol’ blog too.  Keeps me on my toes! (Bad dancer joke, sorry.) I will try and post new blog posts Monday Wednesday and

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